Missouri River Recovery Implementation Committee

The Missouri River is a significant cultural, economic, historic, and natural center for people living in the Missouri River basin, and management of the river impacts their livelihoods, families, culture, and environment. Though controversies over water rights, water supply, navigation, flood control, and ecosystem protection have surged across this landscape for decades, all parties ultimately share a connection to the “Big Muddy,” the longest river in North America.

Since 2009, RESOLVE has served as facilitator for the Missouri River Recovery Implementation Committee (MRRIC), an ongoing collaborative forum for a diverse group of basin stakeholders, which is tasked with developing recommendations for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) on their work toward endangered species recovery in the Missouri River.

RESOLVE provides meeting facilitation, mediation, and documentation support for the full Committee and its multiple work groups. MRRIC involves seventy-five stakeholders from across the Missouri River basin, including representatives from eight states, twenty-nine Native American Tribes, thirteen additional federal agencies, and sixteen different interest areas such as agriculture, waterway industries, environmental groups, local governments, and flood control. With RESOLVE’s support, MRRIC has achieved consensus on over 245 recommendations to the USACE and USFWS, helping to guide the agencies’ actions and priorities over the past 15 years.

As a part of this effort, RESOLVE worked closely with MRRIC and the USACE and USFWS as they developed a Missouri River Recovery Management Plan, which includes a Science and Adaptive Management Plan (SAMP). The SAMP paves the way for the agencies and stakeholders to gather new information about the impacts of their efforts and to refine and adapt future actions accordingly. MRRIC and the lead agencies are now working together to implement the SAMP, one of the largest and most complex adaptive management efforts of its kind.

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MRRIC Provides Guidance to USACE and USFWS on River Recovery

MRRIC approved over 50 consensus recommendations focused on improving the science-intensive management actions of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, including habitat creation, learning from river flows, and monitoring plans for the threatened and endangered species on the Missouri River.

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