Scientists Identify Safe Havens to Prevent ‘The Sixth Great Extinction’ of Life on Earth

Global biodiversity study identifies 16,825 ‘Conservation Imperatives’ sites harboring rare and threatened species in need of immediate protection.

Energy Shift: Proactive Collaboration for the Future of Energy

Energy Shift is a new initiative of the RESOLVE Solutions Network, developed in cooperation with the Pembina institute, and Hoggard Films that aims to set the table for fruitful discourse between parties that are unaccustomed to listening to one another.

RESOLVE featured in Intel’s In Pursuit of Conflict-Free Campaign

RESOLVE has been working with Intel and others over the last 5 years to achieve ethical, conflict free supply chains for minerals. RESOLVE is a featured organization in Intel’s In Pursuit of Conflict-Free campaign.

Changing Climate Means Changing Business

RESOLVE Strategic Partner Amy Larkin is Vice Chair of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Agenda Council on Climate Change and author of Environmental Debt: The Hidden Costs of a Changing Global Economy

Supply Chain Transparency + Resource Diplomacy

What can Tiffany, Apple, and Motorola Solutions do to create peace?

Beta-testing our New Guidebook on Community Health and Shale Development

On Wednesday, August 6, I gave a webinar presentation introducing over 60 members of the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) to our draft Community Health and Shale Development Guidebook.

Engaging the Community and Health Care Providers to Help Prioritize the Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources

The H1N1 pandemic of 2009-2010 has resurfaced in the news lately. A recent article in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine finds that adult patients treated with drugs such as Tamiflu or Relenza (or similar) were half as likely to die compared to those who went untreated.

Webinar on Joint Fact Finding for Energy Resources Issues

Sixteen participants – representing industry, government, NGOs, and academia – learned about RESOLVE’s work from Stephen Courtney, Director of Collaborative Science; Paul De Morgan, Senior Mediator; and Dana Goodson, Senior Facilitator.

Launching the Sustainability Standards Partnership

RESOLVE has launched the Sustainability Standards Partnership (SSP) to help identify, improve and promote the most credible and effective voluntary sustainability standards and disclosure tools in the marketplace.

RESOLVE Senior Advisor receives award for environmental protection through conflict resolution

The Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR) has just selected RESOLVE Senior Advisor John Jostes to receive the 2013 Sharon M. Pickett Award for Environmental Protection through Conflict Resolution.

Did you know that RESOLVE can help with…

WEF Responsible Minerals Development Initiative Report

The World Economic Forum council on responsible natural resource management has zeroed in on the issue of how to unlock value with regard to mineral development.

RESOLVE Launches Second Phase of Forum on Food Safety

The Pew Charitable Trusts and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation jointly fund our Collaborative Food Safety Forum (CFSF).

Strategic Planning With Large Groups Using Poll Everywhere

Collaborative Technology Program Coordinator Jason Gershowitz writes about RESOLVE’s successes using Poll Everywhere technology to get meaningful input from 400 participants in a strategic planning process.

Can resource scarcity help drive responsible mining?

According to a World Economic Forum survey, resource scarcity ranked 4th in terms of “what to expect” in regards to upcoming trends. But, survey respondents were split on whether the issue deserves more public attention.

Ethical Electronics – Starting at the Source

I saw a story that ran on October 6th in The Observer (London) with the title “Is there an ethical laptop?” The author, Lucy Siegle, raises a number of questions about ethical consumption and production—looking at electronics in particular.

Rio +20 – Looking at the Past and the Road Ahead

Did anything important happen at the Earth Summit—also known as Rio+20—a couple of weeks ago? Was it worth the expenditure of money, time and energy?

Certification Assessment releases final report

On behalf of the committee, RESOLVE just released a consensus report, Toward Sustainability; the press release details the findings of the report.

Towards Responsible Mineral Development – GEMM 2020

Glenn Sigurdson and his team at the Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver gathered over 140 leaders from around the world to take stock of progress to date on the question of what is “responsible” and think about how to take this agenda forward.

Innovation and Leadership

It takes innovation and leadership to re-incentivize a supply chain to eliminate the potential for conflict minerals.

Voluntary Governance

Yesterday’s blog post on a new RESOLVE pilot project highlights one example of voluntary collaboration among businesses to develop tools for addressing urgent environmental and social challenges.

New RESOLVE Solutions Network Program

RESOLVE is pleased to announce the launch of a new pilot project—the Conflict-Free Smelter (CFS) Early Adopters Fund. This Fund, initiated by Intel, HP and GE, is designed to support responsible minerals sourcing by encouraging smelters and refineries (smelters) to become early-adopters of the CFS Program, which seeks to end supply chain support for the sale of illicit minerals from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the surrounding region.

Joint Fact-Finding Builds Consensus, Makes Partners Out of Adversaries

RESOLVE was pleased to welcome Masahiro Matsuura, Professor at the University Of Tokyo Graduate School Of Public Policy, to our Washington, DC offices last week to share insights on an important mediation technique known as joint fact-finding (JFF).

Collaboration Inside

In a recently released White Paper Intel recounts the history of its response, to date, to the challenge of conflict minerals potentially entering its supply chain.

Responsible Mineral Development Initiative

For those interested in sustainable development and mining the new report announced at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos is worth a read.
