We are pleased to share RESOLVE's 2021 Annual Report.

Last year, in the midst of pressing challenges — the pandemic, accelerating impacts of climate change, and economic anxiety, to name a few — we created new opportunities to improve the health of communities and take better care of the earth. In doing so, we were invigorated by the creativity, fortitude, and optimism of our partners.

We thrive where tension is present, differences appear intractable, and partnerships are unlikely. The outcomes of this approach are as remarkable as they are diverse, and in 2021 we made real strides. For example, the PR3 standards are the first in the world to provide practical guidance for interoperable reuse systems and infrastructure to reduce plastic waste. The Quick Response Fund for Nature deploys rapid funding to protect some of the world's most critical habitats for threatened, endangered, or endemic species. And Regeneration, a new B Corporation, turns mine waste into minerals for the energy transition.

Check out our latest Annual Report to learn about what we and our partners were able to achieve together in 2021.

Stephen D'Esposito

President & CEO