Second Version of CRAFT Code Now Out for ConsultationSecond version of CRAFT artisanal mining due diligence code now out for consultation; join the webinar on April 28 to learn more.Originally published in 2018, the Code of Risk-mitigation for ASM engaging in Formal Trade (CRAFT) is an open-source tool to help artisanal miners to implement due diligence and meet global market expectations, and to progressively improve social, environmental, and safety conditions at artisanal sites.The code was developed by the Alliance for Responsible Mining and RESOLVE, with support from the European Partnership for Responsible Minerals; guidance from multi-sector committees composed of industry due diligence systems, supply chain actors, artisanal miners, and civil society leaders; and public comment from global stakeholders.Since its initial publication, CRAFT has been implemented and adapted by stakeholders at artisanal sites around the world. This further testing has identified lessons learned and common questions and needs, which have been addressed in a revised version of the code. A new draft version 2 of the code is now out for public consultation through the end of May. Please visit the CRAFT website to download the code and submit feedback via survey or direct comment.For an introduction to what’s new in version 2, please join us for a webinar on Tuesday, April 28 from 9-10 am ET. Be sure to register here for full details.Jen Peyser and Taylor Kennedy lead work on CRAFT for RESOLVE – please be in touch with any questions.Taylor Kennedy and Jen PeyserRESOLVEApril 24, 2020