RESOLVE made its debut in film—and at the Cannes Film Festival—this year with “Journey of Gold,” a virtual reality (VR) experience giving viewers a look inside the story of responsible artisanal gold mining.
RESOLVE's Cinematic DebutRESOLVE's Journey of Gold debuts at Cannes Film Festival’s Marché du Film, World Premiere on Discovery VRRESOLVE made its debut in film—and at the Cannes Film Festival—this year with “Journey of Gold,” a virtual reality (VR) experience giving viewers a look inside the story of responsible artisanal gold mining. Its world premiere is today on Discovery VR (including on the Discovery YouTube channel, website, and Discovery VR app) and can be viewed at, Discovery’s YouTube Channel and Discovery’s VR page and app.Most companies and consumers are far from the source of minerals used in products like jewelry, cars, medical devices, electronics—and far from artisanal miners in places like the Democratic Republic of Congo. “Journey of Gold” brings the viewer underground in a gold mine, and face-to-face with miners, to shine a light on how responsible sourcing supports communities. The film speaks to companies in the gold supply chain, including suppliers for brands from the jewelry, electronics, and other sectors, on the importance of responsible sourcing and the value of engaging with the artisanal sector and communities.The accompanying action kit ( shares ideas for companies and consumers on how to get involved.The film debuted at the Cannes Film Festival’s Marché du Film in May, had its U.S. debut at Mountainfilm in Telluride, and has additional laurels—winning Best Scientific Work at Sweden’s VR Scifest and Best VR Film at the Tonneins International Film Festival.The project was funded by Google and is an activity of the Responsible Artisanal Gold Solutions Forum (, a multi-stakeholder coalition facilitated by RESOLVE seeking to learn about and address critical barriers to the production and trade of artisanal gold from the Great Lakes Region and to support sourcing of responsible artisanal gold from the region.RESOLVE Senior Mediator Jen Peyser is an executive producer of the film, along with Alyssa Newman, Google, and Catherine Picard, Tetra Tech and Chief of Party for the USAID Capacity Building for Responsible Minerals Trade program. We thank the film partners from the Forum, including Asahi Refining, Enough Project, Fair Congo, LBMA, Google, MKS PAMP Group, Responsible Trade, Richline Group, Signet Jewelers, Tetra Tech, and USAID.Visit to learn more about the film, and for more information, please contact Jen Peyser.Jen Peyser RESOLVE September 14, 2018