Late last week, RESOLVE launched "The Practice of FPIC," a new guide capturing insights on Free, Prior, and Informed Consent from the FPIC Solutions Dialogue, a group of civil society organizations, Indigenous networks, and leading mining and oil and gas companies. Please check it out at A press release with additional background is here.

The guide was developed with support from Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Since we founded the FPIC Solutions Dialogue in 2012, we have cultivated a candid and mutually respectful environment, in which members have shared common challenges, lessons, experiences, and advice. RESOLVE is grateful to the members of the Dialogue whose active and thoughtful engagement supported the mutual learning that inspired this guide.

We would also like to thank Cindy M. Charleyboy, Gam Shimray, Ikal Ang'elei, Joel Hamago, Josée Artist, Dr. Kanyinke Sena, Miguel Cervantes Rodriguez, Nuskmata (Jacinda Mack), and Vincent Ekka for their invaluable service as peer reviewers. And a big thanks to my co-authors, Senior Advisor Tim Martin, and former Program Associate Margaret Lee, as well!

We are delighted to be releasing this and hope it will be a useful resource to Indigenous communities and companies in promoting rights-based decision making.

Taylor Kennedy


May 24, 2021

Photo credit: Tom Fisk