Late last year, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security at the Bloomberg School of Public Health and the Department of Anthropology at Texas State University launched the CommuniVax Coalition, a national alliance of social scientists, public health experts, and community advocates dedicated to strengthening local and national COVID-19 vaccination efforts in the U.S. by positioning communities of color at the center of an equitable vaccination campaign. This week, the coalition released a state and local action plan on COVID-19 vaccination, Equity in Vaccination: A Plan to Work with Communities of Color Toward COVID-19 Recovery and Beyond, which outlines five guiding principles for equitable, effective COVID-19 vaccination, paired with specific actions to help ensure that hard-hit communities of color derive systemic social and economic benefits. These five guiding principles are:

  • Iteration: Repeated engagement with Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities is necessary. There is a race to get as many people vaccinated as soon as possible, and this urgency must be balanced with the need to build real trust in BIPOC communities...
  • Involvement: Moving forward, BIPOC community representatives and advocates must become active collaborators in the public health process. This will involve implementing mechanisms for two-way communication...
  • Information: Effective communication with BIPOC community members is essential in the ongoing COVID-19 vaccination effort. Applying best practices for communication during this time will be useful for moving forward...
  • Investment: All of the efforts described above will require investments of time, attention, and funding. At the same time, the vaccination process itself can be viewed as an opportunity for economic revitalization...
  • Integration: Looking forward to the end of the pandemic, it is important to recognize that recovery will take time. COVID-19 will have long-lasting physical, psychological, and financial effects, especially in BIPOC communities...

Equity in Vaccination: A Plan to Work with Communities of Color Toward COVID-19 Recovery and Beyond provides elected and appointed officials with the tools to create, implement, and support a vaccination campaign that works with BIPOC communities to remedy COVID-19 impacts, prevent even more health burdens, lay the foundation for unbiased healthcare delivery, and enable broader social change and durable community-level opportunities.

The action plan was prepared by the coalition's Working Group on Equity on COVID-19 Vaccination, of which I am a member. The Working Group also includes individuals with expertise from diverse fields such as anthropology, public health, vaccinology, community engagement, and health policy, and includes advocates for specific communities of color. For more information about CommuniVax, please visit here.

We are circulating the report widely, in the hopes that elected and appointed officials will utilize these tools and recommendations to promote equity in COVID-19 vaccination and recovery. Please help us support and encourage equitable vaccination and recovery efforts by sharing this report with your networks!

Beth Weaver

February 10, 2021