The Climate Smart Mine Emissions Widget is a New Adaptable, Open-source Tool Available to Support the Mining Sector

About the Widget

The Climate Smart Mining Emissions Widget (the Widget) is a new tool developed by RESOLVE to assess current greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions standards and support the organizations developing standards in the mining sector. Open-source and adaptable, the Widget can be used upstream by standards bodies and mining companies, downstream by retailers and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), and by investors to evaluate responsible mining and investing standards against a set of norms.

The term Widget here refers to a mechanism that enables a user to perform a function or access a service.

In this case, the function is improving current responsible mining and investing standards with a focus on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reporting and net emissions reduction target setting.

Announcing Two New Reports

The Widget User Guide functions as a guidance document providing: 1) the context for, research behind, and design of the Widget; 2) the "Base Widget;" 3) direction for how to use the Widget; and 4) an overview of the benefits implementation of the Widget confers (including relevant case studies).

Download the Widget User Guide

The in-depth Widget Report details: 1) the context for, research behind, and design of the Widget; 2) the research and analysis conducted to support development of the Widget; 3) an assessment of trends in emissions reporting and target setting during the course of our work on the Widget; 4) the "Base Widget;" and 5) two case studies demonstrating the process for and benefits of using the Widget.

Download the Widget Report

September 28 Webinar Highlights

On September 28, 2021, RESOLVE hosted a webinar introducing the Widget. Slides presented during the webinar are available here.

During the webinar, Ben Chalmers and Katherine Gosselin of Mining Association of Canada's Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) highlighted the tool's value in identifying emerging norms indicative of leading practice when revising their Climate Change Protocol.

While the Widget can help shape normative understanding for standards organizations, it fundamentally needs to be implementable through the mining sector supply chain, specifically with upstream companies. Newmont had largely aligned itself with the norms outlined in the Widget prior to engagement. As such, representative Briana Gunn showcased how the leading practice of the Widget is both achievable and ambitious. Newmont has also expressed interest in incorporating Widget guidance into future iterations of their corporate emissions standards or using it as a tool to assess practices of companies in their supply chain.

Dr. Sören Dengg and Lisa Stellner of GIZ emphasized the Widget's value in supporting interoperability and upward harmonization across standards.

RESOLVE can help you use the Widget whether you're a mining company, standards body, investor, or company seeking responsible minerals for your products. Or, as an open-source tool, the User Guide can be used as a basis for self-assessment.

Learn More

Visit the Climate Smart Mine Emissions Widget page on our website.

For help applying the Widget to your company, standard, or organization please contact Nicholas Mitchell, RESOLVE Policy and Research Fellow.