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Kathryn Tomlinson

Strategic Partner, Sustainable Resources

Kathryn Tomlinson is a social anthropologist with over twenty years of international experience of working on social, human rights and sustainability impacts and risks in projects. She completed a PhD in Social Anthropology at the University of Sussex in 2005, and her PhD research explored indigenous peoples’ land rights in Venezuela during the development and aftermath of a conflict over the building of an electricity power line through indigenous territories. Since then, Kathryn has been working as a consultant and expert advisor to organizations in the private, public, and multilateral sectors, providing support on managing social and human rights impacts and risks in projects.

With many years of experience in the oil and gas and mining sectors, she has also worked on renewable energy, transport, agricultural, health, conservation and development projects, and is highly skilled in translating international social and human rights safeguard standards, including Indigenous Peoples’ standards, into practice in diverse project contexts. Kathryn has particular expertise in indigenous rights and land, and has worked on numerous projects dealing with the intersection between indigenous and customary land rights, and private and public sector development. Her project work has included social, human rights and indigenous rights assessments and due diligence, resettlement planning and reviews, implementing stakeholder engagement and community agreements, developing company policy and management processes, as well as in-house training, capacity building and coaching around social and human rights management, and developing sector tools and guidance. She has served as advisor to various companies, and is highly versed in helping companies understand the leadership challenges and obligations around sustainability and human rights.


Bachelors of Arts in Social Anthropology, University of Cambridge

PhD in Social Anthropology, University of Sussex; Masters in International Politics, Aberystwyth University

