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Glenn Sigurdson

Chair Emeritus

Glenn has a long association with Simon Fraser University as an adjunct professor and associate of the Learning Strategies Group in the Beedie School of Business, and as Senior Dialogue Associate of the Morris J. Wosk Center for Dialogue. Profiled in the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law publication Public Dispute Mediators: Profiles of 15 Distinguished Careers, he is internationally known for his work related to complex multi-party challenges involving environmental, resource, and land use issues, from mining to oil and gas, fish to forests, energy to water, often involving indigenous rights and interests. He co- authored the widely referenced Building Consensus For A Sustainable Future - Putting The Principles Into Practice to give life and application to Guiding Principles for Building Consensus that had been developed through a two year national negotiation process which he helped lead involving sustainability roundtables established in every Canadian province and territory, and The Canadian Council of ministers of the Environment, as part of Canada's response to the Report of the World Commission on the Environment.


