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Alidor Mwamba

Manager, Democratic Republic of Congo

Alidor Mwamba is the Manager of DDI in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). He contributes to the implementation of DDI@RESOLVE projects, coordinating program activities on-the-ground and managing relationships with stakeholders at all points in supply chains, as well as civil society and regional/national government. He also supervises and evaluates field projects.

Prior to joining DDI@RESOLVE, Alidor worked for over ten years in the copper and cobalt exploitation at the KAMOTO underground mine at Gécamines Kolwezi. He then served in the Societe Miniere de Bakwanga (MIBA) mining studies department, where he was responsible for the computer processing of geological, mining, and maintenance data to inform annual mining planning programs. As Assistant to the MIBA CEO, Alidor spent five years in company management and facilitated partnership negotiations between MIBA and various buyers and investors, which led to the expansion of MIBA's mining operations over 70,000 square kilometers. Later, Alidor worked under SEMG mining design office conducting feasibility studies for SouthernEra's mining in the Kasaï Provinces. Alidor's passion for mining eventually led him to artisanal mining formalization efforts in DRC. Through capacity building in cooperative governance, conflict management and resolution, environmentally-responsible exploitation methods, women's empowerment, and initiatives to combat child labor, Alidor strives to advance sustainable and responsible mining practices that contribute to community livelihood.


Bachelor in Design of Information Systems, University of William Booth - Kinshasa; BA in Mining Techniques, Mutoshi Technical Institute - Kolwezi


Artisanal and Large-scale Mining; Professionalization and Artisanal Miners Capacity Building; Environmental, Social, and Health Impact Assessments; Land reclamation and Reuse; Supervision and Evaluation, IT Application Development; Database Management

I love helping artisanal miners who want to organize themselves, to improve their practices and increase their livelihoods in order to contribute to their community's sustainable development."
